Health, Education Chloe Trompetter Health, Education Chloe Trompetter

Laugh Without Leaking

Urinary incontinence is not usually a talking point over dinner or a conversation starter at a party! This leaves people suffering in silence, and stops them from enjoying exercise, activities, and living life to the full. It can be very distressing and leave a major emotional effect on the sufferer. Many women believe it is normal and permanent to have incontinence but this is not correct! It is a condition which can be treated, managed or even cured.

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Education, Empowerment Chloe Trompetter Education, Empowerment Chloe Trompetter

Education: Empowerment for Women

Globally, 65 million girls are not in school. 17 million girls of primary school age will probably never attend school in their lifetimes. One third of girls in the developing world are married before the age of 18, and 1 in 9 are married before the age of 15. According to the United Nations, undereducated women are also most vulnerable to trafficking, abuse, and unplanned pregnancies.

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